Statue/Miniature Collection

Discover the joy of miniature painting at The Comics Cafe! On our website, you can purchase Single-Color Primed models along with a selection of paints and brushes to create your superhero miniatures right at home. For our Bangalore customers, we offer a special Saturday workshop at The Comics Cafe, Indiranagar, where you can dive into the world of miniature painting with guidance and tips from our experts. Whether you're a novice or an experienced painter, our workshops and products provide everything you need to bring your miniature heroes to life.

At The Comics Cafe, all our miniature models undergo thorough curing and treatment at our manufacturing unit to ensure top-notch quality. The process begins with meticulous cleaning and sanding to remove any unwanted objects and bumps on the model. We strive to eliminate printing lines as much as possible and effectively hide joint marks, ensuring a smooth and polished surface for your painting pleasure.